More than 8,000 flight cases and trunks leave the production lines every year under the brand name of “ProCase”. Customers from the automobile and capital investment industries, such as Siemens, Carl Zeiss, Daimler and Mapal, those from medical equipment, event and the music industries, such as Sennheiser, Bose, JVC, Thomson, ZDF and SWR television companies, together with numerous companies from exhibition, catering and motorsport segments belong to our large range of clients.
LTB sells directly to corporate customers and public bodies and acts as a professional partner in the development of innovative packing system solutions. A modern online shop offers clients a large range of flight cases, most of which are available immediately from stock. These can be found at
LTB GmbH specialises in the design and manufacture of high quality transport systems for valuable and sensitive heavy goods and equipment. These are often used as return-and-reuse packing systems, measuring equipment, tools and fitters’ cases, as well as a safe and secure transportation system for sales promotion equipment. All products are developed and designed using modern CAD software and manufactured using modern CNC machines. The professional and robust cases are available in attractive colours suitable for every corporate image.
High flexibility, competent and motivated employees as well as training up our own young people for their qualifications (cabinet makers, draftsmen and women, industrial clerks etc.) complement our innovative and high quality products, which altogether account for the outstanding success of LTB GmbH.