Prolight + Sound in Gouangzhou - Postponed
The Prolight + Sound in Gouangzhou is one of the largest and most important trade fairs for lighting, sound and event technology in China. Visitors can expect a wide range of products, seminars, discussion forums, product demonstrations and live entertainment. This trade fair is a communication and information platform for the industry and offers exhibiting companies the opportunity to present themselves to a professional audience. Visitors can obtain detailed and comprehensive information about the latest developments, trends, services and products from a wide range of sectors.
ProCase will also be represented at this year's Prolight + Sound in Guangzhou!
We look forward to see you at our ProCase stand - 41A51
Prolight + Sound will be held in Guangzhou on 4 days from Wednesday, 19 February to Saturday, 22 February 2020.
Opening hours:
19 - 21 February 2020 09:30 - 17:00
22 February 2020 09:30 - 13:00