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Press Releases

ProCase export container

Safely transporting valuable equipment with ProCase packing systems.

Press Release, 09/16/2010
The variable FlexCases from ProCase can house any screen safely

ProCase is introducing a new generation of variable plasma cases at this year’s Prolight+Sound exhibition in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The cases are designed for use as rental equipment for professional users as the trend is more and more for technicians to rent the latest LCD and plasma screens only.

Press Release, 09/12/2010
PackCases from ProCase offer numerous possibilities to transport equipment and accessories safely and tidily

The PackCases series from ProCase has been available for the last 5 years. During this time, countless customer wishes and suggestions have been taken on board resulting in an extensive and practical packing system being made available.

Press Release, 09/10/2010
Underway world-wide. ProCase flight cases are designed to conform to ISPM 15 and can be imported into any country without difficulty.

More and more countries are introducing the export standard ISPM 15. This regulation sets the standard for the exportability of goods in wooden packing systems and is meant to prevent the introduction of foreign pests and insects into the native flora. This means for the majority of wooden packing cases an expensive fumigation with insecticides at the border is necessary which in turn means a long delay or even an import ban. Using a ProCase flight case, such export difficulties will not be…

Press Release, 09/06/2010
Headquarters of ProCase in Miltenberg am Main, Germany

LTB GmbH was founded in 1987 as a business for light and sound equipment for events and is today one of the leading manufacturers of flight case transport systems. A subsidiary: ProCase Manufaktur GmbH produces in Ellwangen in Baden Wuerttembug, Germany. The company employs 54 people with Mr Thomas Schweighart, as Managing Director and partner.

Press Release, 09/04/2010